How to run nanit app on your computer
I recently ran into this annoying problem. The Nanit app (for the nanit plus baby monitor) only has iOS and Android versions.
After a few attempts, namely using Android on RaspberryPi, installing the app on Amazon FireTV, all frustrated, I have decided to share the one and only solution that finally worked.
The challenge here being: managing to run Nanit from my computer, since running it from my phone throughout the night was draining my battery.
The solution I found was to install the app on an Android emulator. So here are the steps on a Mac OS X computer:
- Install Android Studio.
- Use AVD (Tools -> AVD) to create a virtual device. For this step, I had to select a x86_64 device, since the apks I found, were not compatible with the x86 devices. Just create an Android tablet device targeting API 30 (x86_64). The higher the resolution the better.
- Start your virtual device from AVD.
- Download an apk for Nanit. This one worked for me ( Please use whatever website you feel more confident about to download the apk. Downloading apks from third-party websites has its risks.
- Drag and drop the apk into your Android virtual device.
- Run the app from the emulator. See screenshot below.
Although these steps were written for a Mac OS X, the same could be done on Windows, with the help of a few google searches.
I hope it helps some new dad over there. Every saved minute counts!